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Suzanne Phillips | Beacon Life | Equipping Parents | Christian Parenting |  Conference Speakers

Beacon Parent would love
to be a part of your next event!

Are you looking for someone who recognizes what is unfolding in current culture? Someone who is able to give a compelling message; awakening the listener and  inspiring action?  Perhaps you have an event geared towards families, parents, marriage or the next generation and are looking for someone dynamic to bring a ready word to audiences both big and small. Or a gathering to encourage, uplift and inspire by teaching the Bible? Let us help you! 

Beacon Parent offers a variety of topics and speaking styles sure to meet your needs. Which one is the best for your event? Check out the bio’s and get to know the speakers. Complete a speaker inquiry to begin the discussion on how to bring a Beacon Parent speaker to your event.

Suzanne Phillips


Kimberly Oden | Beacon Life | Equipping Parents | Christian Parenting |  Conference Speakers

Kimberly Oden


speaking topic samples

ABORTION | A Life Interrupted: How My Son’s Death Led Me to Life

17 weeks pregnant with child number three, a baby bump popping and a nursery ready to be filled.  When test results came back abnormal language changed and counsel shifted overnight leading me into a whirlwind which resulted in trauma. Counsel from my doctor and my pastor lead me into a path of destruction with a choice to “interrupt the pregnancy”. Join Suzanne as she shares a story of life and death, redemptive love and her choice to use what the enemy meant for harm to glorify God for Kingdom growth!   


CULTURE & PARENTING | Intentional Parenting in a Culture of Chaos

In today’s world hidden dangers disguised as “cultural norms” are a growing concern for families, young adults and children.It is imperative that parents understand the enemy’s culture of chaos. If you don’t know culture, you do not fully know your child. Join Suzanne as she sheds light on several hidden dangers and destructive worldviews. 


EDUCATION | Education Defined: The Difference Between Education and Academics

Like so many things in our culture, education has been redefined. What was the original intent of education? The way you, as a parent, define education and success will impact your children, their futures and likely your relationships. Join Suzanne as she shares a refreshing view of education sure to inspire great conversation, intentional choices and a desire for lifelong learning.


HOPE | Confident Expectation: Discovering Vertical, Unchanging Hope 

Hope is a confident expectation of a guaranteed result that changes the way you live. During this tumultuous time in history we can be left feeling a bit hopeless. Join Kimberly as shel dives into Psalm 143, a passage infused with hope! When we look to the horizontal things in our lives for hope (titles, treasures, talents or people), we are often left with a desire for more, facing fear and uncertainty about the future. There is only One Hope, a vertical, living, breathing embodiment of hope who will hold us steady, Jesus Christ. Come to know or become reacquainted with The One who saved you from death - because if He can save us from death, then all other hope-crushing fears we face quickly fade into the background of our lives. 


HOPE | Even out this Mess 

God is in the business of cleaning up messes.  Washing us up and dusting us off is central to the testimony of Jesus in our life.  When God says, "I want to Redeem, Restore and Reform your life", He doesn't take us back to a better form of a former life, but rather moves us forward into a new life that is far beyond what we could have imagined on our own.  God doesn't clean us up to put us on a shelf.  See how the  BIG "mess-up's"  of our lives can been used to mold and shape not only our hearts and our lives, but also a God-sized vision and mission for families and the next generation.  He doesn't waste anything...not one little thing!  God is enough!

ORGANIZING | The Sifted Life

Feeling overwhelmed & unable to live a life of intention? Well, you’re not alone! Living in this age of drop-down menus & super-speed everything can make it difficult to live a life of purpose. Purpose requires a dose of discernment, a bit of intentionality, and a whole lotta self-control! There’s a lot we CAN say yes to, but just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. Ready for a life of simplicity? I would love to come speak to your gathering about learning how to live, “The Sifted Life”!


PARENTING | The Bent of the Arrow

Raising children is a tremendous responsibility.  God gives us His children to steward for such a brief moment in time.  He says that our children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior.  Do you know the bent of the arrow God has given you?  Hear insights and stories of what it means to "Train up a child in The Way he should go." Discover the freedom of learning to lead your children to follow your Heavenly Father and watch as your children discover who God has made them to be!  God is enough!


PARENTING | Pass the Torch: Instilling Personal Responsibility, Preparing Kids for Life  

As an intentional parent we aim to prepare our child for life through instilling the value of personal responsibility. Taking ownership of one’s own life requires practice on the part of both the parent and the child. In Pass the Torch Suzanne shares both vision and practical application for parents who desire to build confidence, responsibility, and skill through deliberate delegation designed for personal growth and maturity.


PARENTING| The Core: Parenting the Heart

In a culture plagued with performance, perfectionism and behaviorism it is easy to parent outward behavior, missing opportunities to shape your child’s heart. The word core comes from the Latin root heart. At the root of every behavior there is a core belief or a heart issue motivating each choice. Join Suzanne as she shares the core needs of every child which, if met in a healthy way, will become a strong foundation producing good fruit.


PARENTING | Train Up: To Teach or To Train?

Have you ever had a Groundhog Day conversation, with a child, employee, trainee or student? One that goes something like this, “How many times do we have to go over this?” or “Didn’t we talk about this last week?” Perhaps it is because time has been spent  telling or teaching rather than on intentional training.  Today’s fast-paced culture has all but buried the true meaning of discipleship.  Join Suzanne as she unpacks the hidden secrets in Proverbs 22:6 and casts a vision for leadership and discipleship sure to impact your relationships in a powerful way!


PEACE | Expect the Unexpected: Choose to Remain

Unexpected circumstances are a way of life catching us off guard, stirring feelings of fear, anxiety, doubt, confusion and even anger. Imagine leaning into an unexpected circumstance with a perspective that causes peace, hope and even excitement in the midst of the unknown. Join Suzanne as she sheds light on trust and faith that grow from choosing to remain in the “hard” with a vision set on new beginnings. 


PEACE | S.T.O.P. => Creating a Culture of Intentionality

Is anyone in a season of chaos or feeling some confusion? Maybe your days feel confusing? Maybe a circumstance has caused chaos? Perhaps the current season is new? We all experience chaos and confusion at one time or another. So how, in the midst of the chaos, do we move from the swirl of chaos into a culture of intentionality? Join Suzanne as she shares strategy to move you from “survival mode” into “satisfying (and sane) momentum” leading to a culture of intentionality.


PURPOSE | 4D Living: How to Parent with Purpose and Disciple with Direction

God is a generational God with an intentional plan and purpose for the family.  How do we join God in His plan to bring forth a generational family of followers? Join Suzanne as she walks through 4D Living: helping parents know God's DESIGN, know their family DIRECTION, practice DISCIPLESHIP and practice DELEGATION. Learn how to parent beginning with the end in mind and view your family’s future with a new and exciting perspective.


PURPOSE IN THE FAMILY  | Designed For LIFE: A Family by Design

God introduces Himself to us first as a Creator. And, like every creator there is a desired design to His creation. Every design has a form and a function, families are no different. God created the family on purpose, with purpose and for purpose. Join Suzanne as she shares insight about God's design for the family. No matter the age or stage of your family, understanding God's design allows you, as parents, to build stronger relationships, establish firm foundations and work with God to equip your children for the life He has planned for them. 


SPEAKING LIFE | The Power of Words:  Speaking Life, Blessing and Vision

Words…a creative force.  Have you ever considered how the words you choose impact your life and the world around you?  So often our words are casually tossed into the atmosphere without a thought about the power or impact they hold. Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us that God sets before us life and death, blessings and curses but we forget that life and death, blessings and curses are hidden in our heart and reside in our tongue.  Join Suzanne and learn how to leave a legacy of life, vision, and blessing. 


VISION & MISSION | The Cultivated Home: Leaving an Intentional Legacy (Vision, Mission, Values)

Strong organizations are built on strong foundations, a strong foundation which includes a clear and concise vision and mission and operates with established core values.  An organization is defined as a group of people who act together to achieve a particular aim. God designed family as the first organization. Join Suzanne as she shares inspiring insight and practical teaching around developing family vision, mission and core values. Learn to begin with the end in mind. It is never too early or too late to begin! 

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